The aromatic bitter herb bath Rompe Murallas is prepared by priestess of the esoteric to break walls blocking your success or feelings stuck . It is recommended to repeat this bath 3 times in a week with a lot of faith and with purpose always in mind.
- Place the herbs in a pot filled with 10 cups of water.
- Let the water boil for 7 minutes.
- Strain herbs from the water
- Add 1 gallon of water to the bath water
- Shower or bathe with the content from your shoulders down as you clear your mind and visualize how the bath creates a layer of protection around your body and spirit.
- Rinse your body with fresh water.
- Start your day with a positive attitude.
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Herbal bath- Block Breakers
I was feeling like stuck, I felt depressed. all my blessings, money, love, success , Everything was being blocked. I did this bath 3 times ,every other day. As I poured it on I thought of everything I wanted. When I rinsed it off I thought of every blockage being removed and going down the drain. I also say POSITIVE Affirmations every morning as I get ready for work. Next week I do my sweet baths. I'VE BEEN buyING EVERYTHING I NEED FROM THIS PLACE FOR YEARS!! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!