4 Easy Steps To Burn Resin Incense.

4 Easy Steps To Burn Resin Incense.

Posted by Gold Fire Charcoal on Mar 28th 2017

To easily and properly burn resin incense follow these 4 easy steps

1. Place a charcoal briquette is a safe high heat resistant plate.

2. Light up the charcoal briquette with a match or a lighter. For a better resin incense burning experience use a charcoal briquette that is fast and easy to ignite.

3. After the charcoal briquette has been lit, let the fire evenly spread through out the whole briquette. A white color in the charcoal briquette is a good sign that it is ready for the resin incense to be added.

4. Add a small amount of the resin incense on top of the hot charcoal briquette. You should immediately begin to see the hot charcoal briquette burn the incense. Add small amounts of resin incense as it burns out.